Do I have a problem?

DO I have A problem if I think 99% of the worlds population is stupid. I scored an 184 on an IQ test designed for adults when I was 11, and I was really sleepy. So I would have an IQ of 200+ I guess.


Ohh by the way 'dia a' at least I speak proper English. Or maybe I should put that in hillbilly for you. meza spekez mite fin engish rite man?


  • Nope, you are exactly correct. Most people you meet, even the ones that can string together a sentence that doesn't have the "words" um, ah or NASCAR in them, are likely stupid. Old people are really good examples of this. When they were in school, they learned 1/4 of what we did before high school ended but they DID learn proper hand-writing and can speak proper sentences, but when it all boils down to knowledge or being able to problem solve, they are cro-magnons.

    Be happy in your genius, I am in mine.

    p.s. Anyone that says "IQ doesn't matter" likely scored an average score and saying this makes them feel better about it

  • The IQ test is sometimes unreliable. And don't worry, I also get the feeling sometimes that 99% of the world is stupid.

  • People who think that there IQ plays any real part in measuring intelligence obviously aren't that intelligent in the first place but you are right about most of the people in the world being stupid and yes you are one of them!

  • Sounds like you have a problem...a social problem. And it will always be a problem until you change your attitude. Your IQ is pretty nice but not all there is in the world.

  • I did an IQ test when I was 10, it was also desighned for adults, I scored 150. I haven't done one lately so I don't know what it is now!

  • I would not trust internet IQ tests but if it was a proper test then u are smarter than the 99%

  • The IQ test is not always reliable.

  • hehhe u think u r intelligent! dat means u r not! take da test again! may be u r intelligent! lolzz like next super hero called brain man! goodluk! ill be da first 1 to chhooose name for u brain man and wil e ur best buddy hehe

  • Well, no offence, but I assume you made that result up.


    Your use of punctuation and a lack of knowledge about a simple sentence structure imply your intelligence level is pretty low, my friend.

  • Yes, you are a nerd.

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