Does Noxipro show on a drug test?
I am trying out for the police department, and I was wondering...If i take Noxipro, will I come out positive for anything on a drug test? I really want something to pump me up the day of the PT, but I don't want to risk disqualification. Thanks!
Update:Just wondering because I spoke to someone over the phone that says you can come out with a false positive for methamphetimines. I do not want to be coming out dirty for that
No, it won't show in a drug test.
Noxipro is legal, so there is no reason to test for it.
When you are drug tested, they screen for specific drugs that the requesting company--or in this case, police department--asks for. Drug tests do not give you a complete listing of everything found in the blood, period, they just confirm what is asked for. I doubt most drug tests screen for Noxipro, unless you're in a professional sporting event.