Do i have a trauma or phobia?
On Tuesday, 01/22/13, i saw an interview with a cannibal on youtube. I only saw like 4 minutes of the video since i was scared. Ever since that day, i've been terrified fr that entire week. Now, i am feeling better and it is not like how it was the first week I saw that video. Now, i can last a day without thinking about it, but when i am not distracted then i see images of them around me or me being one of them. I dont want to be like them and i am a bit shake by that video and i pray all night. I want to know if this is healthy or not. I just get images and thoughts when i am bored and i get really scared. Please help, i'm a 17 year old female and want to live my life again.
It's just a trauma. Tell someone about it, or try to forget. I know, it sounds hard to forget. Look up some really adorable animal or funny videos. Read a book, play a video game, or go outside. If you tell someone about it, describe your feelings. I watched the video as well. I was scared for a long time (i wouldn't go outside for a while) but I occasionally forgot about it by watching funny stuff. Anyway, you should prey (that works too) and ask God for help about the trauma.
Try to get your mind off of it, relax you'll be fine. You might want to get it checked out if you are scared this bad. I hope you get better