how does a breeder trap stresses a guppy?

Everyone seems to tell me that breeder traps are stressful to fishes. I recently bought one for my pregnant guppy. I just don't understand how a breeder trap can be stressful to a guppy. Is it because of the small space? Because of the lack of oxygen?

Someone please explain to me, and if possible, suggestions as well.


  • Put plants in the trap with her, If she's ready to pop, she doesn't care about room, she wants plants to hide in for a safe place to give birth. An empty trap with no plants to hide in will freak her out.

  • the plastic traps are stressful due to small size and in some cases i have heard of the mother guppy being trapped

    i prefer to use the nets with a small silk plant placed in the bottom for fry to hide in. theres more room for mumma to swim around and being a net the water in the trap is the same as the water in the tank.

    but the best way is to have a heavily planted tank.

  • ok il put it in to this way, every day for all your life you have had as much space as you want then all of sudden you are chucked in to a jail cell for an unknown crime and an unknown amount of time, wouldn't that stress you out

    and yes if the trap is not placed right the oxygen that they would normally get would not be in there

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