Best Processor & RAM Combo?

I just recently asked a question about a certain set of processors and RAMs. But now I am just going to ask plainly what is the best processor & RAM for doing a lot of spreadsheet work -- i.e., I do a lot of MS Excel spreadsheet work for my business and I need help with seeing what the best processor and RAM would be, yet be efficient -- both time and cost.

The Excel spreadsheets have hundreds of thousands of rows, with about 10-20 columns. My current Intel dual processor 3.4ghz does not do very well (i.e., efficiently), even with 4GB in a x64 bit windows.

That being said, is a: Intel Core i7-950 3.06GHz Quad Core Processor "WITH" 8GB DDR3 RAM sufficient for what I need to accomplish?

Any other help is appreciative. And sorry if this is reciprocal to another 'Yahoo Answer' question that I recently asked -- I just want help.




Would a: Intel core i7 2600 with 8GB of RAM be sufficient for Excel work?


  • At a rough estimate, the i7-950 will calculate your spreadsheet in about 1/3 the time your current dual core processor takes. Is that fast enough to meet your needs? I've created monster spreadsheets that took 12 hours to run. 4 hours would be nice, but 4 minutes was closer to the timeframe I was shooting for.

  • Yeah that would be way more then sufficient you could go down to 6 gigs of ram and an i5 maybe even a i3 i don't work with excel much but i7 with 8 gbs is definitely overkill i would go i5 with 6 gigs. That should be plenty

  • Yeah that would be way more then sufficient you could go down to 6 gigs of ram and an i5 maybe even a i3 i don't work with excel much but i7 with 8 gbs is definitely overkill i would go i5 with 6 gigs.

  • You probably don't need an i7 processor that is 3.06GHz. An i7 that is at least 2.66GHz will do the job. And 4 gigs of memory is just fine. If you want more, then get 6 gigs. You will not notice and difference if you upgrade from 6 gigs to 8 gigs, unless you plan on running 10 different instances of your spread sheet program.

  • Excel spreadsheets? That's almost all RAM after a certain number of rows and columns. An i3 processor will do the trick just fine, 8Gb should be plenty, speed doesn't matter for that.

  • the i7 is the winner. 6 gb of ram is better than adequate ram for many structures. so the sole element determining velocity at this factor is the processor itself. and the i7 is a extra helpful processor.

  • i7 with 4gb should work well

    I use AMD 955 black edition with 4gb ram and i can play blackops with firefox, word, starcraft open

    so basically use 2 games and internet with word runs fine

    also run the ram in dual channel mode

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