How do you develop self-confidence?

I have never had self-confidence because guys don't like me because I am fat and I need to have (or at least pretend to have)self-confidence for the career path that I have chosen. Any advice would be helpful...


Oh and I'm not much good at being anything but strong...


  • Identify your abilities. Everyone is good at something. Try to discover what you excel in and then focus on your talent. Learn to take pride in them. Give yourself credit for your successes. Be Positive, even if you don't feel the same way. Self-compassion and sympathy from others is not the answer here. Never allow others to make you inferior. Love yourself and speak positively about your future progress and qualities. By doing so, you condition your mind for a positive outlook.Look at yourself in the mirror and list the positive qualities that you have. This would work on self-worth. Good luck.

  • Make a list of the things you are good at, and every time you think of yourself negatively, look at your list. Then think "I may not be good at _____, but I'm very good at _____"

    Outweigh the negatives with the positives.


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