Republicans, seriously?

Late Super PAC Ad Buy Urges African Americans In Ohio To Vote Republican Because Lincoln Freed The Slaves


  • This is sad.....almost as sad as Mike Huckabee's super PAC that claims that you will burn in hell if you don't vote the way he does.

  • For 100 years, Republicans fought for the freedom and equality of blacks. Republicans freed the slaves. Republicans fought the KKK and segregation.

    But it turned out all blacks really wanted was free money. So in 1964, in one fell swoop LBJ purchased the entire black vote with the welfare state.

    Overnight, 98% of blacks turned their backs on the party that had protected them from Jim Crow DemoKKKrats for 100 years, and voted against them.

    Like Uncle Toms, they sold out for money and voted for the same individuals who had been lynching them just a few years earlier.

    I don't know why the GOP would waste their money trying to get the votes of such fickle and unfaithful voters. I wouldn't want their votes, because all the Democrats have to do is wave a nickel under their black Judas noses and they are back to voting Democrat again.

  • That is NOT what the ad is saying. The ad is accurately squelching the Democrat myth that Republicans are anti-black. You liberals really need to take courses in comprehension.

  • Republicans USED to be the good party, and dems were the bad. Proof of this is the south was once LARGELY democrat, north Republican. This "flip flopped" sometimes in the mid 1900s, its now the exact opposite. Republicans are the bad ones, Democrats are the good ones.

  • You liberals were against Citizens United, but look it's helping you!

  • So apparently this is news to you also?

  • Blacks on the Liberal Plantation will not fall for such foolishness...;-)

  • the democrats use women's UTERUS'S to get votes.

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