Can you link a Nintendo ACC to two switches?

I wanted to make a profile for my friend on my switch and link her Nintendo ACC to her profile. But she may be getting the switch in a month. If I link her ACC to my switch will it mess her up when trying to use that ACC with her switch later?


  • I can't answer this but I CAN answer your other question (the reply option is blocked on it) about the movie where a boy moves to the country, gets a dog, finds a guitar in a pawn shp - it's called "Smitty"

  • Nintendo currently has a strict restriction of ONE SYSTEM per platform (2/3DS, Wii U, Switch) at any given time.

    While you could allow your friend to link your Nintendo Network ID (NNID) to your Switch, you will need to UNLINK or transfer her account from your Switch to hers later... which can be a potential pain to deal with, but it'll mostly be save data related.

    The account transfer will move ONLY the DRM keys associated with the account, so any games purchased from your friend's Nintendo account will no longer be accessible on your Switch once the transfer is completed. Then your friend will have to download her digital library on her Switch at her convenience & start all over on those games.

    If you're certain your friend will be getting a Switch within a month, you might want to save yourself the headache & NOT link her account to your system.

  • You can link it for now, but will have to unlink it before she can log into the new device when she gets it.

    You can only be logged into one Switch with your My Nintendo Account at a time.

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