US Greencard through marriage to a Permanent Resident?

Just looking for some detail on the timeline of attaining a visa through marriage to a permanent resident in the US. The last article I read stated about 5 years..

Also, I have seen some detail around a V visa, which I think allows you to be in the States whilst waiting for a greencard - any ideas?

Thanks in advance


  • It is not a problem of slow processing time, it is a matter of the numbers of visas available every year for the spouse of a Permanent Resident (they are limited). The current backlog is about 4-5 years.

    However, there is no wait for a visa number for the spouse of a US citizen, which is why it is faster if your PR spouse applies for US citizenship.

    Your PR spouse can file a petition for you now and let it wait its turn. When s/he becomes a USC, they can immediately 'upgrade' the petition to citizen status to begin immediate visa processing for you.

    However, in that time before citizenship, you must find your own immigration status to be in the US with; you may not legally wait here for your number to become current.

    To qualify for the V visa, the petition must have been filed for you a number of years ago. You can not petition now and apply for the V visa.

  • They are processing Jan 2005 right now. It may take 4-5yrs but supposedly USCIS is working to cut the processing time.Yes a Visitors's visa will always help to ease the return to your homeland and reenter. Check out this website and you can have them notify you of what your case status is- by the receipt number. It also depends what country that you are migrating from???? Best of Luck

  • Slow, slow, slow. I have heard that it is faster for the green card holder to apply for citizenship and bring you in as a spouse of a citizen (they have to be a green card holder for 4 1/2 years before they can apply and typically will be sworn in 6mos after the complete application for naturalization is in.)

    I can't swear to that, but I've read it over and over to the point where I think it is true.

    Go to and look it up, if you like.

  • depends on where you're at i married a french woman we had a green card one month after she did the application you don't need no lawyers do the papers you're self . you do need proof that you are living together bills with both names on them also ins will come to you're house its fairly easy and it don't cost much it take a little more time to get the citizenship feel free to call me for advice email me ill give you my # i also brought her whole family here we where married 12 years she is now back in france her parents still live here

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