How do YOU eat a RECESS CUP?

i trim the sides and chew then i let the middle melt in my mouth... how about you?


MY BAD!!! thanks for the correction first answer....:



  • I like to put my finger (or tongue, depending on how i feel) through the middle leaving just the ring. After i do that on both and look at the world through my chocolate glasses for a few minutes.. I eat the rest.

    UNLESS its been melted. then i just bite it.(i know how boring!!)

  • A bite, then eat the sides off of that, then nibble the rest. There is NO wrong way to eat a Reese's.

  • I always eat the outside then I eat the chocolate off the top and bottom, then I let the peanut butter melt in my mouth.

  • sometimes i put the whole thing in my mouth and let it mouth

    sometimes i eat off the chocolate on the side then put the rest of the thing in my mouth and let it melt

  • I chew off all the sides like you, then just eat the center. I love them lol.

  • i eat the sides (like all the chocolate) and the bottom and save the peanut butter for last and let it melt in my mouth

  • Trim the sides and then try to make the rest last as long as possible!!lol They are great

  • I try to poke out a semi-perfect circle from the middle first, eat that, then I eat the rest.

  • Put the whole thing in my mouth and let it melt.

  • Well the SEXY way to do it would be to put the rescee cup in you mouth wrapped and unwrap it with your tongue and pull the wrapper out of your mouth lol. thats what i do sometimes

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