how do u know ext.?

i ask this one gurl out and she said she didnt want a bf cuz it is just highschool and then at a dance that she said she wanna to dance with me at and i came late and she was grinding on a freshman and i left and she called me and asked y i left and i said it didnt look like it mattered to u and she said shut up. i ask if she like him and she said alittle. should i stop trying to go out with her?


  • im sorry man, this is from personal exp but it helps to move on. it shouldnt matter whether or not your in highschool or not. a relationships a relationship. just stay in the game man, im ABSOLUTELY positive there is someone out there for you.

  • you are only in high school. You are not engaged, married, going steady.... do you expect everything to just stop because you are late. It sounds like this girl isn't wanting a relationship with you in the way you are wanting. Don't be so possessive of people you have not right to be

  • no she said a little not a lot. and you was not there so was she posed to wait and not have fun. and yall don't even go out so she could dance with who eva she wants to.

  • ever heard of a hint? it just hit you between the eyes.

    if someone likes you, they will find a way to be with you.

    she isn't looking very hard, she wants you to be infatuated and chase her, you will never catch her.

  • if you're just gonna act like a bunch of kids about everything, then yeah. i know you're still young, but try not to make such a drama of everything. (no offense)

  • Yes she is a lying b**** and you shouldn't bother with her. Try to find someone a little more honest.

  • Move on, dude. I know it's tough 'cause you feel something. But seriously, just move on.

  • yes, If you didn't like what you saw infront of you think of how she would be if you were not around $!@#$

  • dude, i'm sry, but u need to move on. find another girl.

  • yes i think that you should stop

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