Games Design, A Levels or Btec?
My question is, what would get me further in a career in the Gaming Industry? I am currently torn between an Extended Diploma in ICT or doing 4 A Levels at my sixth form. I would prefer to do the Btec, as I do not do well in exams and I feel I could achieve more out of it, but I don't want to be at a disadvantage. My A Levels at the moment are ICT, Film Studies, Biology and Psychology, all at AS level.
Thank you very much for reading.
Update:And where exactly can I learn C++, java and coding?
i would recommend doing the diploma mate, as it will discuss programming a lot more than just the a level ict, the diploma is all coursework base so you will get a higher grade if your no good at exams just the same as me, then i went on to study computer gamed development at manchester university and they prefer the btec rather than the a level as they know you will have more indepth knowledge through the btec, so that way once you go on to do degree in computer games development you will then learn c++ java in a lot more detail! but i would recommend learning it now really so your more advanced at uni level.
p.s to learn it i would always recommend getting some books from amazon best way.
I just Google'd "Learn C++" and the top result was:
It's that easy to find programming tutorials for any major language.
Seriously, for something like C++ there is so much documentation out there that as long as you know where to look you should be able to solve almost any problem you encounter. Plus, if you do get stuck there are plenty of places, notably StackOverflow, where you can get even complicated coding questions answered by experienced people.
what would help you more. a level in ICT or Btech in game design.
neither will. learn to code c, java and c++ that is what yyou will be using lots of. this also means should you not beable to become a game designed as places arnt hiring you have one of the most saught after skills in world. learning to code and then going into game design or learning to code and making an indie game in your spare time would be the best way to go into game design.