Fav. Doctor Who Quote?

What is your favourate Doctor Who quote?

It can be from any series and Doctor.



    Jack-Who has a sonic screwdriver?

    Doctor-I do!

    Jack-Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks, Ooh this could be a little more sonic?

    Doctor-What you've never been bored Never had a long night Never had a lot of cabinets to put up?

    "he's like fire...and ice...and rage. He's like the moon and the heart of the Sun. He's ancient and forever. He burns in the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe. and...he's wonderful"

    Jack: Aww, sweet, look at these two. How come I never get any of that?

    The Doctor: Buy me a drink first.

    Jack: You're such hard work.

    The Doctor: But worth it.

    The Doctor: Correctamundo! A word I've never used before, and hopefully never will again

    The Doctor: You've got a mobile?

    Donna: I am in my wedding dress. It doesn't have pockets! Who has pockets? Have you ever seen a bride with pockets?! When I went about fitting it, the one thing I forgot to say was "GIVE ME POCKETS!"

    General Staal: General Staal, of the Tenth Sontaran Fleet. Staal the Undefeated!

    The Doctor: Well, that's not a very good nickname. What if you do get defeated? General Staal the not-quite-so-undefeated-any-more-but-never-mind?

    Ross: It's a potato - a baked potato - a talking baked potato.

    Doctor: Now then Ross, you look a pink ferret to him...

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    Fav. Doctor Who Quote?

    What is your favourate Doctor Who quote?

    It can be from any series and Doctor.

  • i love the quote about needing to up up a lot of cabinets the other person listed, but i think i laughed most on the 1st ep with david t as the doctor when he is talking about the human race and uses the lion king quote and then goes "no wait that's the Lion King" He's the best doctor I can't wait for Rose to come back!

  • I always liked the 4th Doctor's addiction to jelly babies. Especially when he was trying to explain to Leela that just because he ate babies, they weren't actually a sacrifice....

    And for some reason, I liked all the 'old Doctor' influences that they gave to the new Master - the jelly babies, the jacket that was like Jon Pertwee's cape (ok, maybe not the psychosis and insanity).

  • Far too many!

    I think my favourite is when Christopher Eccleston became David Tennant and he said, "Ooh, new teeth". I like David's doctor's little asides.

  • New series: -

    "He’s like fire and ice and rage. He’s like the night, and the storm at the heart of the sun... He’s ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe... And he’s wonderful.”

    Tim Lattimer from "The Family of Blood"

    Classic series: -

    "One day, I'll come back. Yes, I'll come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine"

    The first Doctor saying goodbye to his Grand Daughter Susan in "The Dalek Invasion of Earth".

  • I think this is the same quote also by Stone Cold Steve Austin from WWE fame "What, What, What".

  • Brilliant - David Tennant

  • "Always bring a banana to a party, Rose, bananas are good"


    Girl in The Fireplace, season 2, David Tennant!

  • Jon Pertwee when asked if he was serious he replied " about what i do yes but not necessarily the way i do it"

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