How do I shake an insistent commercial email?

I have received one from the same source nearly daily for a couple of years. Sometimes more than one a day.

I never open them.

It usually tries to disguise itself by using a common name or a nonsensical phrase. Oddly enough it often hits on names or words I have been using in my computer conversations. Spooky.

I believe that these messages are coming from some kind of a drug company.

But I'm some tired now of doing the daily delete.

Any suggestions?

Also, out of curiousity, why do they think that by harrassing me they will ever get any business from me?


  • That's known as Spam, and it operates largely on the principle that if you fire enough shotguns shells totally at random, you'll eventually hit something worth eating.

    Your best bet at diminishing their impact is to investigate your email program for whatever Spam filtering it may have. If it doesn't, you might want to switch to one that does. Spam filters aren't perfect, but they help.

    Hope that helps.

  • block the site

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