Age problem for a concert?

I'm fifteen, turning sixteen on March 27th. A concert I want to see is March 24th and you have to be 16 to enter the venue without a parent or guardian and you need ID. It says they're no exceptions. What can I do to get into the concert without having to bring my mother? -.- It would kind of ruin it. My friend who I'm going with will be sixteen but I'm not sure if I'll be allowed in with her because of the age limit. My student ID card just says that I'm in tenth grade and the school I go too. Would that be enough or is it not specific enough because it doesn't show my age exactly? Ugh. This is so inconvenient. Please help?????


  • You shouldn't have anything to worry about.. Normally, at a concert, one only gets IDed to have the privilage to drink alcoholic beverages.. I have yet to go to a 16 and over concert, and see teens get carded. When the even is 18 and over, that's a different story.. However, if you look much younger than your age, you MIGHT (and that's a big "might") get carded. And, if that happens, show your school ID, and simply say, "Hey, sorry about that, I haven't gone off to get a driver's license yet. This is all I got." Be nice and polite about.. It's worth a shot. But seriously, you really shouldn't have a problem.

  • Well if its an option and if you and your mom are willing to do this.. You could have her take you in and then leave and go out with some of her friends by leaving the venue before it starts. I hate to be a pain in the a*s

    But It seems like there is a reason why they don't allow people under 16 without a minor

    Concerts can get rough. I go to some crazy concerts and I'm 15 and 5'3 but i look older and nobody really questions me, because i look 17 or 18 and have passed off for 19 once or twice. And there are always people stoned not just on weed. People get drunk and fight, and get pissy. Or if you end up near the mosh pit because someone dared you to go crowd surfing (I'm an idiot I know I was under the influence bla bla I'm a stupid teenager) so I went to go crowd surfing. I regret it. I was up in people's arms before i could even say anything. I started to regret it already. I could barely tell what was going on. My shirt was ripped off, not sure if it was on purpose, thank god I had a tank top underneath. And then I started freaking out and demanding to be put down and I got dropped flat on my back. That hurt like a *****. It hurt so bad and I had nobody to get me because they wouldn't let in my parents. So I texted my boyfriend who was back at our seats with friends, and he came and got me and picked me up and carried me to the lobby area of the venue. I went to text my dad to pick me up now, but my phone was gone. It had Been stolen in the mosh pit.

    I'm not saying you're going to do this but this is why alot of people our age shouldn't be alone at concerts because they might make a stupid decision like me, it's easy for something to go wrong with so many drugs so much alcohol and tons of people, alot can get out of hand. And it's all precautionary. Parents are a buzzkill but it's there for a reason. It's not like you'll have to have her with you for the rest of your life, you have less then a year then you can go by yourself. Have fun at the concert, don't borrow needles, don't buy drugs no matter how cheap they are they can be laced. Keep a cover over your drink, especially if its alcohol or anything, have fun, concerts are my life.

    And when I was younger I had my dad take me and my friends to concerts. And it wasnt as bad as I thought. Good luck and have fun!

  • That sucks. Just bring your mommy....HAHA

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