POLL: Do you consider yourself popular?

I don't. Heehee.



  • No way, Jose. Not me. I've never considered myself to be popular, nor have I run with the popular crowd either.

  • No as I do not do what other do. I do what i like and I am a poioneer. I usally do it and others would like to but they are afraid to leave the crowd. I have had several people tell me but yeah I do not want to as I am not a ioneere. Even thou they think its a great thing. So wehy make it harder on me just come along. No I do not have the crowd!! SO no I amk not popular!!

  • Eh, I find my way around the school's cliques. But I'm not like stuck-up popular, everyone just comes to me for homework help.

    But a humiliating incident in the fourth grade made me infamous throughtout the school years ago=)

  • I think popularity is a state of mind. People are known because they socialize with a lot of different people. To believe or not believe you are popular to me means that you set a superficial standard for everyone and believe you do/don't add up to it. I know a lot of people and I'm known by a lot of people, but thinking about it I don't truly know all of them

  • No. My friends in school were always really weird. And for some reason all my best friends (all guys) end up to be gay. Even my friend from preschool till 1st grade (then I moved) turned out to be gay. I am just like to have friends that can have a good time.

  • Pretty high on the bar.

    But why does reputation matter?

    Once highschool is over 95% of the people you know

    go there own way.

    Everyone is the same no matter how popular they are.

    And pratically anyone can be popular its just thier choice.

  • I have a small group of friends like 4 or 5, who know me really well. But a lot of people seem to know me and say hi in the hallways and stuff, but that's it. I guess I'm normal, kinda...

  • Not really, I hung out with the popular people in 6th grade. But they ignored me. I'd so much rather be a dork.

  • Popular as in having a LOT of friends, or being KNOWN by a lot of people?

    I have a lot of friends, and I am KNOWN by a lot of people; but not in a good way :p

    I'm the 'assshholleee' at school.

    I consider myself not a social reject but not a loved person by everyone at school.


  • Only to the Spanish clique at my school. Even though I'm not Spanish. We all know each other well xD

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