Do girls hide crushes?

I was talking to another girl in class (I said "hey" out of no where and we were having an awkward, getting-to-know-you flirty conversation), then a female friend of mine overheard the conversation, descended out of no-where, took over said conversation, and started belittling me and wouldn't let me get a word in edge wise.

Is she lonely and has no respect for my feelings (I was obviously flirting with this new girl) or is there a chance that she likes me (which I would hope, because I've had a crush on her for a long time) and doesn't like to see me flirting with another girl?

Girls, guys, any opinions?


@Sprinkestar S - Well its actually a long story;_ylt=AsqUT...

I've told her I liked her (even though I was drunk and I never gave her a chance to respond because I've was afraid of what she would say) and she wasn't really forward about liking me back. So I wouldn't be so optimistic.


  • hell yes girls hide crushes. and yea i think your friend has some feelings for you. or maybe she was pissed that you were giving attention to that other girl instead of her sooooooo yea.


  • Yeah a lot of girls do that. I believe its because we are afraid to sometimes take chances. If you are really into this girl, dont give up.

    she will eventually feel comfortable and open up a conversation with you one day.

  • ladies can cover there thoughts extremely properly yet ultimately (maximum situations) the cruch will pop out ladies choose to verify in the event that they have a shot with that guy if the weigh down occurs to be a chum then according to probability they'll carry that secret for existence cuz there afraid to tell the guy her authentic thoughts and probability pushing away the friendship she at the instant has with the guy

  • Tough call! She either likes you or hates you, thats for sure. Hmmm... Is she friends with this other girl? If so, I'd be more wary than if she doesn't really know her either. Basically, if the two aren't friends, I'd say she likes you.

  • Dude

    Your friend-girl likes you.

    She wouldn't intrude on the conversation if she didn't feel jealous or didn't care.


  • look ...iam a girl and be sure that girls can not give out their feelings as easy as boys. You go up to her and say somethin...cause boy i know how shis feelin right now...she just needs you to come up and say somthin!

  • i would think so

    hope you get some good answeres!

    srry this isent, i am just tagging it so i can see the answeres!

  • I think you made her jealous, and she likes you.

  • dude I think she likes you

  • i think she likes you!

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