Professor has not entered my final grade plz help?

Hi my 1st semester ended on December 22..and the professors at my college have until jan. 4 to turn in the grades..but only 4 out of 5 professors turned in my grades..its the jan. 2 today and im beginning to turn real paranoid that my last teacher might not even turn in the grades at all..i emailed her but no response as it also possible that she can leave a students grade mark blank? and perhaps skipped just me? also what would happen if she never turns in the grades? please help..


  • Calm down. They have until January 4. You think students are the only procrastinators? Of course she will enter grades, it's part of her job. She's probably not answering your email because she has a life and a family and is on vacation. Wait until January 5. If grades aren't up by this date, then feel free to email her.

  • Many professors will put off grading until after the holidays under these circumstances, so that they can do their own holiday shopping and celebrating. She has until Jan. 4, so she probably won't respond to you until after that, and you have no right to expect her to turn in grades until then. If she doesn't turn in grades as of Jan. 4, the registrar's office will contact her to remind her to turn in the grades, whether it is just yours or those for the whole class. You are being a little paranoid at this point.

    I've been a professor for 30 years, and I almost always turn the grades in on the last day possible, just because I want to be thorough with my grading. I always tell students that that is when they can expect to get grades, yet invariably I have one or two students who start emailing me the day of the final to ask what their grades are. I don't respond, because I'm busy grading.

  • I am sure that your professor will post your grades. Does your landlord call you up 2 days before your rent is due to find out if you're gonna pay it? It's on your list of things to do and I'm sure your professor is working on it. Some of those guys love to wait until the last possible minute. If he doesn't get your grade posted, then call the department head, not the professor.

  • Are you serious? Leave us alone. If i had a dollar for every student that emailed me pestering me about their grade, i would be pretty well off.

    I am a TA. Students need to chill. We are busier than you are and our students are, by a lot, we always make our deadlines though, don't we? Your professor did not email you back because your email was ridiculous. Get off her case, she cannot leave your grade mark blank lol, that makes no sense. Two days is a lot of time, let her get to it in her own time.

  • Have you never waited until the last minute to hand in an assignment? :p

    You just said she has until the 4th. If your grade is not up by the end of the day on the 4th, that's when you should worry. Right now? Relax.

  • Hey you, don't freak out! You enrolled in that class and they have to turn in your grades! So chill, and if for some reason they didn't, then you could talk to your adviser :)

  • Relax. She has 2 more days. She will be on time and not forget anyone.

    Don't bug your professors.

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