Why does America support Israel?

Why do we have such a strange affinity for supporting Israel?

Also, can you answer my other question at your convenience?


Pats: So why aren't we supporting Australia and Costa Rica.....aren't they democracies??


  • During WWI, the British moved into Palestine to protect the area from Great Powers. Between the two wars, under the BALFOUR DECLARATION, the British became protectorate of the area. Palestine was mostly Arabs and a few zionist Jews. A Zionist Jew is a Jew that believes that God promised that the Jews would eventually regain their land.

    After WWII, thousands of European Jews made a great exodus to what they considered the land given to them by God. The Arabs fought to drive them out, and did drive the British out, leaving the problem to be solved between the land owning Arabs and the invading Jews.

    US President Truman and the United Nations took sides with the Jews because of guilt over the holacaust and because of influence BY right wing Christian groups in the USA.

    Mainline Christian theology taught that the Christian Church was the New Israel, and all of the promises and blessing of God was transferred from the hebrew nation to the Church. This is taught extensively by St Paul in the New Testament.

    In the mid 1800's, Dispensationalism was introduced. This was/is a different view of history that looks for signs of the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. One of these signs was the rebuilding of The Temple in Jerusalem. Of course this was impossible, because Jerusalem was an Islamic city and Jews were unwelcomed there. But, in the 1920's when the Zionist started to treckle into Palestine, and with the holacaust in Germany, and the mass exodus of European Jews, DISPENSATIONALISM exploded onto the the theological scene. And suddenly, many Christians demanded that Truman support Israel, because the New State of Israel was a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy.

    Yes, the US supports Israel because of guilt, but mostly because millions and millions of US Christians believe that ISRAEL is a fulfillment of prophecy and under divine protection.

    But, as far at this Baptist Preacher is concerned, the Church is the NEW ISRAEL and the Israelie state is a political thing, not a theological thing. In fact, the way President Truman and the United Nations trashed the Palestinian Arabs is the root of our world war agaist Islamic fundementalism today.

  • I believe that the USA supports Israel because a mission behind our foreign policy for the last 60 years has been to foster and mentor the growth of democracies all over the world. Israel is a democracy with strong financial, ethnic, and political ties to the USA, so it comes as no surprise that we support peace and stability in that region and for Israel.

    What is confusing, however, is that the USA lets Israel get away with a questionable human rights record, spying on the United States and her other allies, and having such a cynical view of its role in the Middle East. Israel is essentially a superpower in that region, and their right-wing governments of the last ten years have not taken this role seriously.

  • Yes , Israel is special to God we are all Special but you get what i mean . Obama is making changes that will hurt America in the long run which is sad to understand that our future is at stake but I am a True believer that Christ will return before Anything Happend to Israel Because they are Gods Choosen People Dont Belevie Everthing Obama Tells You Beieve On The Lord Jesus Christ And He Shall Save You.

  • two words

    money and nukes

    for that wise guy that says israel is americas best friend, that is so far from the truth. Try lasting a week without Canada

    second of all, i believe what the US did after WWII was one of the most unfair and cruel acts in history. Many of you may not have realized, but there were actually people living in "israel" before it was taken over, and it was called Palestine.

    So why do they support israel but not other? because they benefit from israel. Its rich and is one of the few countires that have nukes...so they dont want to piss them off

  • I laugh when people speak of Israel spies in America. America has spies all over the world. American policies have destabilized our relations due to double standards and secret deals with enemies of ours and our allies. No country can be trusted. The world is a mess and our leaders have made it that way. We need to get back to being the country we once were. Setting an example for all. We're more worried about sexual preferences of military enlistees than we are with the Nukes starting to be produced by crazy dictators.

  • Short answer: The nation state of Israel as it exists today is a product of the United Nations to provide a homeland for the Jews after the horror of WWII (...1948 if I recall correctly). The United Nations was formed in 1945 with the U.S. as the prime cheerleader for this entity. In a way, we own the matter. Enjoy the nuttier answers... I know I will.

  • Most of the cabinet ministers are American-Jews, they are both superpowers, and both of them have the same cause i guess ( eradicating terrorism)

  • Pragmatism leads us to support an intelligent and democratic nation.

    Should we support dictatorial Islamic regimes?

  • have reason for war in middle east and sale weapons

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