Facbook privacy help DESPERATLY NEEDED!!!?

When people see my profile and they are not my friend or a friend of a friend i dont want them to see my friends list or things that i am a fan of but when i went with my moms accounts you cant see my wall or pics but you can see who my friends are and i dont want that and i dont know how to change it please help me if your an expert. When I go to account privacy they dont have a thing where you can block it try to answer it very specificly or send a link. In my account everthing is set on just friends but its messed up please email me at mahinalizadeh2009@yahoo.com bc everone who anwered the previous queston werent as specific as they need to i need help thanks!!!


  • Sigh -- you're worried about privacy and yet you put your e-mail up here for everyone?

  • You just have to go to your profile, scroll down to your friend list box, and noticed that there's a small pencil icon at the top right, right? You click it, and uncheck the box "Show Friend list To Everyone". There you go, have fun with your privacy like I did ;)

  • at the top of facebook, click Account then Privacy Settings.

  • I have no idea of what you just said, buddy.

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