Do Medical Schools Accept transfer students?

If i am planning to go to community college for 2 years, then transfer into UCLA. Can i be accepted to medical school? Will they choose 4 year students over me?

Has anyone had expiernce with this


  • Community college can harm you is if you do not continue to maintain an A- average after transferring. Doing poorly in upper division courses is bad for any student because it signifies an inability to handle difficult coursework, but for transfers it also signifies an inability to handle university level work.

    However, if you continue to receive A's and do well on your MCAT (a crucial equalizer), you'll be fine. UCLA has a lot of experience with transfer students, so that's good. You should attempt to take as many of the medical school pre-requisites (1 year Chem, 1 year Orgo, 1 year Physics, 1 year Bio, 1 year English + all associated labs) as possible after transferring to UCLA. Good luck!

  • Yes. They will accept transfer students.

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