Tom Cruise Vs Leonardo Dicaprio?

Hey guys, Describe these two celebrities and which one do you prefer?

I guess ladies will choose Leonardo


  • You have to go with Tom Cruise. He has many more movies and is a much better actor. He's also not afraid to take chances with offbeat movies like Vanilla Sky where it is not all about his looks.

  • Robert De Niro Clint Eastwood Michael Douglas Steven Spielberg Ralph Fiennes Ryan Gosling Jim Carrey Daniel Day Lewis David Fincher Johnny Depp Leonardo DiCaprio Joseph Gordon- Levitt i truly hate both Tom Cruise and Nicolas Cage so... Seth Rogan Jake Gyllenhaal Tim Burton Robert Downey Jr. WES ANDERSON!!! Mark Wahlberg The Coens Jack Nicholson Tom Hanks Morgan Freeman Phillip Seymour Hoffman invoice Murray Edward Norton Ewan McGregor Gary Oldman Woody Allen wooded area Whitaker

  • Tom Cruise of course, since Top Gun I have been a fan, despite his weirdness over the past year, he is still the man; Leonardo, too full of himself, I was very offended by his behavior when Jamie Foxx won for Best Actor at the Oscars, if you watch a clip, look at his reaction.

  • Tom Cruise - weird

    Leonardo DiCaprio - odd looking

    Who do I prefer? Neither.....but I'll take Matthew Perry or Ben Affleck any day.

  • Tom never did it for me. And I'm talking even before his stupid antics this past year. Leonardo is not only hot but intelligent and has a social conscience.

  • Leonardo; Tom is a nut!

  • Tom's just lost it, so Leonardo all the way.

  • Tom Cruise all the way. Leo is a wimp. Have you seen Tom's build? Mmm.

  • Leonardo of course! tom seems old

  • Tom have u seen Tom? WOW there is no doubt the beautiful people always win. Tom all the way! i think Leo is gay

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