Is drug use a victimless crime?

please answer yes or no and give 3 reasons why or why not


  • no

    1) Use of class A drugs is likely to lead to crime

    2) Your family and friends will suffer because you will be too drug addled to maintain relationships with them

    3) the main victim is the drug user because an overdose is always possible....

  • Depends.... if the user commits a crime in order to get and use drugs.... then it is not victimless. Also monies spend when a user shows up at an emergency room is money that should have been spend on a decent human being.

  • No,

    1. People lose jobs and Families are broken apart by drugs

    and children end up in foster care.

    2. Drug addicts will commit violent armed robberies, to get

    cash for drugs. Impaired judgement makes it easy to kill

    anyone who gets in their way.

    3. Taxpayers must pay the bill for drug treatment, health

    problems, and emergency rooms that get filled with drug


  • No.

    1). Crime rates go way up in drug neighborhoods.

    2). Loss of productivity in drug using class

    3). Tremendous amount of damage to families

  • No,

    It affects the family or loved ones.

    It creates a demand that others meet regardless so the drug user can use. When the source gets caught and goes to jail we all pay to keep them in prison.

    Drug users commit crimes to continue their addictions, so there are victims of their crimes.

  • In your dreams if you think that drug use is a victim less crime. You must, however, do your own research as to 3 reasons and why.

  • Ask a child who's mom or dad is doing time for drug use.

  • NO!

    1) Family Member's of addicts are hurt

    2) Innocents killed by people on drugs

    3) If you use opiates chances are they come from Afghanistan and are grown by the terrorists, and terrorism by these groups has killed thousands.

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