Do cat scratches fade away?

My kitten is a bit skittish so if even if he hears the slightest sudden noise he freaks out and tries to hold on to me or get away but he's clumsy so he ends up falling and holding onto me for dear life. Well, human flesh doesn't exactly make a good handle so I have a few scratches now; on my hands, palms, arms, legs etc. The one on my arm is a couple months old and still hasn't healed and it's turned into a 'white scar.' I'm afraid they won't ever go away and I'll have all these ugly scratches on me. I love my cat but he can be mean sometimes without knowing it!


  • Yes they do fade some take longer than others it depends on the deepness of the scratch,the white scar is silver in scar terms and will fade over time,we used to foster kittens/cats many a scratch was had by us we were stripy for having so many now a few years after not fostering all scars have gone,

    i myself have nil scars and it was me who was scratched the most as i was used as a climbing frame for kittens at the time,so yes they will go but be patient and to prevent more trim the tips of his claws and he sounds full of energy so extra play time is needed to tire him out,

    also protein rich foods will speed up healing so take care of your diet,hope this helps.

  • They're doing it because up until now they've not thought it was a bad thing to do, they've just been playing with you the same way they'd play with another cat. When you stop giving them attention when they do it they'll soon get the message. My cat is 8 months old now and he still does it, it's a kitten thing. When he does it, I scream really loudly and push him away, then start shouting at him, then just ignore him for at least 10 mins after so he gets the message. I scream loudly at the time because it makes him get a fright at the time so he knows its bad. It sounds cruel, but I'd rather do that and give him a fright than have him keep doing it all the time. Then 10 mins later, he'll come sauntering up to me and lick my hands and try to act like my best friend, so then I just cuddle him so he knows I still love him. Now that I've been doing that for a while, whenever he starts to do it, I just have to raise my voice for 1 second and he changes from biting to licking my hands really quickly, it's quite funny it's like he's quickly realised he's being bad and tries to make it look like he was only going to lick my hand instead, quite cute! So it does work. Good luck. About healing your hands - make sure you're eating lots of vitamins, esp vitamin c and zinc. If you can get vit.c and zinc tablets combined, take them before you go to bed at night (it's when they work best, when your body repairs itself) and it should clear up within a few days. Good luck

  • Yes, cat scratch scars fade away. I've been scratched by cats more times than I can count over the years and I don't have any cat scratch scars on me.

  • Thankfully they do or I would have the most horrible skin ever.

    Make sure you clean and disinfect the scratches thoroughly, cat nails have a lot of bacteria. You can also use triple-antibiotic afterwards to help them heal better.

  • Yes, they will eventually fade. But you can try rubbing vitamin E oil on the scars, that might help them fade faster.

    Keep your kitten's nails trimmed, that way she won't scratch as much. Ask your vet to show you how to do it. It's EASY.

    Also, be SURE to wash any scratch or bite thoroughly with soap and water as soon as it happens. Do NOT forget to do this!

    Have fun with your kitten!

  • Yes, they do fade away but not scares. They will stay with you. But don't think it's a bad thing they also give a memory of that cat after they pass away.

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