Do you dream?......?

If you do, do you see, do you hear, do you fell, do you taste, can you tocht, do you smell.

But isn't all of this things what define reality.

So in our dream we lose are concioness of the "real world" and enter are "dream world.

So it make you think, is are world real. Remember the only thing we see is light, but we can't see light. Yeah we can see the dust when we flash a flashlight on a dust house.


  • Yes I dream virtually everynight,,

    I see, an yes I hear, I feel, I've touched, I have not tasted and I havnt smelt anything..

    dreams are part of our mental life, carrying messages that help to reveal our hidden hopes and fears and sometimes providing us with guidance and advice,, only about half of our dreams include sound... To taste and smell is exceptionally rare.

    The complex relationship between our conscious and unconscious are still in scientific study, physical patterns of which can be traced by what we call a dream-ology,

    some people say they dont dream,,but everybody dreams, it usually depends on how you awake in the morning, and if your memory is strong enough to remember and of course If you want to remember.

  • There's many images and senses that can potentially take place within the dream world. I know I've experienced all 6 senses. I've heard, I've seen (and in color too), smelled, felt and once in a blue moon have received very profound spiritual messages n my dreams as well as some prophetic dreams, just once in awhile however.

    They don't understand everything about dreams (completely) and my guess it will never be FULLY understood.....there will always be something of a mystery to them.

  • Reality is made up to suit ourselves anyhow. Dreams can be more relative and accurate. In our waking state , our so called conscious awareness, we fail to comprehend the dream. This is due to the filters we impose upon ourselves as used to defining reality.

    I have killed in dreams before only because some one kept stealing from me and continued.

    This being based on the fact - If you break into my house,I will shoot you.

  • Yes, i dream most of the nights, and i feel it like a real , sometimes i wake up smiling and happy and sometimes i wake up tired, scared and sad, because i feel the dream like a real, but after a couple of minutes i notice that it was just a dream.

  • Wow, that really makes you think. I never really noticed if I can smell, touch, taste, etc in my dreams. Next time I do, I'll let you know.

    But that brings up an excellent point. Write a book about it, I woulb buy it.

  • yes i dream. i love it. i fly in my dreams, two ways. I fly with my arms in front of me like superman and fly low over fences and houses, my childhood house. I also can stand in one spot and just lift myself straight up from that point and go as high as i want. its so fun.

    i also dream about a lot of fun things but never anything bad. But I have had dreams that would be called ESP.

  • Yes, i dream so much in one night...

    i feel like its a reality at times

    so yeah i can hear and touch

    hmm...its kinda interesting when u think about it...

  • I can feel, taste, see, i can't hear much and i can't smell. i sometimes dream that i am flying and after i wake up i feel as though i still can. sweet dreams!

  • Yes, I dream!

  • dreams are from a different dimension. a totally different world

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