how many calories do anorexics burn via exercise per day?

just curious lol


  • Actually very few compared to those who do eat.

    The body regulates fat via leptin hormones that are secreted by fat cells(adipocytes). The lateral hypothalamus then in returns detects this drop in leptin levels and re-adjust over all metabolic rate to burn less calories(via various mechanisms).

    Overall metabolic rate is measured by this simple equation. - BMR(basal metabolic rate) + physical energy expenditure(physical activity)

    Exercise in this low caloric state(called hypocaloric state) will cause the metabolic rate to drop even faster. Not only that but also have a catabolic effect as negative hormonal responses occur(the body will do anything to keep alive). Things like cortisol will shoot up which have a double whammy effect as it metabolizes muscle and other tissues(protein via glucneogenesis, etc). Less muscle = less calories burned. So not only is your body slowing down the rate it burns calories but also removing the tissues that contribute to it!

  • Oh. Well,...Not much. They don't have much left and typically only eat 800 calories a day at the most.

  • I would think that it's the same as an average person, they may be more tired at the end of a day though.

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