Astrological help!!?

Okay, So, I am a capricorn and I was reading a site that was telling about me ( i will give the site link)..

and as you can see my tarot cards and the devil and the world...could someone who knows more about astrology elavorate on that for me? becuase i was looking into the devil one and it said something about rebirth and I really want to know what that means. I am very interested in astrology however a lot of stuff online you have to pay for! lol so any help would be appriciated!

please & Thank you


DOB is january 9th 1991 POB is Saginaw Michigan TOB is 7:12 or 7:22 am


  • The guy above me is correct. If you're interested in astrology, let me recommend some great books for you: Linda Goodman's Love Signs and her Sun Signs books. Really brilliant books. Also, is a much better sight for your tarot card readings. When you sign up you get a few free readings and they're pretty in depth,

  • Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, who is the reaper. Saturn teaches us the lessons we need to learn in life. As a result, we either learn from these lessons, or we have a very hard path indeed.

    The Devil card in the tarot would corrospond with Saturn in astrology. You must change and adapt in life to move forward. When you refuse to do so, you are forced to repeat those life lessons until you do 'get it'.

    So, in a nut shell, examine what is going on in your life. Use that capricorn ability you have to think it thru, and ask yourself "how can this benefit me"? We must remember in life that one door never closes that another doesn't open. It is sometimes hard to believe, especially when the current choice is one we do not want to give up. Be open to change, and look for avenues you may not have believed open to you in the past.

    Good Luck!

  • Aquarius

  • A lot of things that come from internet is just bull. It's all man theorizes anyway. I don't think God likes us to get into that stuff. PS- My dad has the same sign by the way.

  • All it means is that something is going to change in your life (dye off) and something new is going to come of it (reborn).

  • Please give me your d.o.b., p.o.b, t.o.b.

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