True or false.....................?

Is it true that putting figs on your eyes/under your eyes gets rid of black bags under eyes? if not, what does?


  • You get more benefits eating the figs.

    Not possible without wearing tons of make up. Even Oprah & Hilary Clinton who buys the best concealers money can buy can't cover theirs. Don't believe me? Google them and see their latest photos.

    You CAN try to sleep the same amount of hours everyday, and eat all the healthy foods from Mother Nature.

    It's possible changing your sleep & diet can do miracles.

  • Definitely false.

    First you should try to assess the underlying cause (if there is one) for your dark circles. A lot of things can cause dark circles as a symptom. Allergies, gluten intolerance, nasal congestion, anxiety, poor nutrition, excess alcohol consumption, drug use, and skin pigmentation disorders can all cause dark circles. Make an appointment with your gp to talk about it and see if there's anything he/she can do.

    If there's nothing causing them other than some lack of sleep or it's just the way your skin is there are a few things you can do to camouflage them.

    Get at least 7 hours of sleep, though 8 is ideal. This is the best way to reduce circles.

    Put two spoons in the freezer, every morning when you wake up with dark circles apply them on your eyes for 20 minutes.

    Look for eye creams that contain both vitamin K and retinol, these ingredients will help reduce under eye circles over time. Always apply using a q-tip or your ring finger, too much pressure can break blood vessels and make under eye circles worse.

    Try a medication with a rolling ball and caffeine. A really good one is Garnier Eye Roll On with Caffeine it stimulates the blood vessels under the eye and the caffeine reduces puffiness.

    I hope I helped and good luck!

  • VITA K under eye treatment helps alot! Never heard this fig rumor....

  • I think it is false try to put tea bags (whatever type of tea works) in boiled water (just like normal tea) then put on a plate and wait for them to cool down then put on your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes works for me :)

  • I dont think this is true.

  • i think this is a myth. cucumber is good though :)

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