black 2010 honda accord or bmw 3series?

pros n cons of each car

help! idk which one to get..


  • Bmw's are more expensive to repair... and thats not good when they like to break a lot...

  • I agree with Raven about the BMW.

  • seee the point is BMW is always BMW...u know what i mean??? it doesnt matter which model is it, as long as its bmw gives always different feeling to people n u by urself....its kinda more confidence car, of course honda goes cheaper for service n stuff, but, what to do, bmw is always bmw...

  • Get the BMW because it ISN'T made in Japan.

    Japanese quality has fallen too far.

  • These "bmws are great" comments make me wonder if people have ever driven these overly bloated vehicles. The only "GREAT" bmws are the performance models, the daily drivers are not great and they are not reliable. It's your money, your decision.

  • the bmw. hands down. no questions asked.

  • Honda. Save $, avoid hassles.

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