Do you think America deserves a New World Order?

People I have notice are getting dumb, common sense have left most people. The American people are just now concerned about the future of their country when all the time you was concerned about then Paris Hilton and the reality show like America idol had more votes than any presidential election one season. People have distracted themselves with entertainment and now how dare them ask how did this happen when you wasn't paying attention. I sorry of I sound a little sick, but I don't feel bad for the stupid that gets hurt. Just some people deserve whatever they get. What do you think?


  • I think you have a point. America is far from its glory days. People are now fat, lazy, and have, or dont want responsibilities. People are always saying lower taxes and lets have health insurance because it is their American right to have all of these privileges, even though they dont contribute to making America healthy. Too many Americans are dumb because are education systems are ****, so when kids get to good colleges, it turns out to be too difficult because they never learned what they should in school, if they even go to school. Instead many Americans want a party, sex filled life style with all the benefits to the government behind them. It dont work that way. I know it is harsh to say, considering I am an American, but it is the truth and we are feeling the effects of it today. Things need to change for America, certain values restored, and crappy reality shows taken off the air. What happened to the Looney Toons?

  • Most do, yes. They don't pay attention. They're too busy shopping and being mindlessly politically correct.

  • No - obama would have to destroy Capitalism first but he's doing a fine job so far.

    Besides there are no too many bright alternatives to what we have.

  • i am sure they would be glad to take care of all our dead beats with a firing line

  • RAW > NWO

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