
I'm making a project for Mother's Day and there are some shiny leaves on the cover.

Problem is: the leaves keep falling off eveytime I glue them on!

And I only have UHU glue stick, what do I do now?

Please don't say: I don't know, Go buy some glue.




I'm freaking out!

Update 3:


And the PLASTIC leaves are supposed to be glued on cardboard paper.(you know, the kind thats sorta raised)


  • Here is how to make an excellent glue yourself:

    skim milk

    baking soda


    measuring cup

    measuring spoons

    paper towels

    rubber band

    Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to 1/2 cup of skim milk. Stir them together and let the mixture sit for two minutes. The vinegar will make the protein in the milk stick together to form small white lumps called curds. The leftover liquid is called whey.

    Next, you'll need to strain the curds since you won't need the whey to make glue. To make a strainer, put a folded paper towel over an empty cup. Push it down in the center so it forms a bowl shape. Put a rubber band around the top of the cup to hold the paper towel in place. Pour the curds and whey into the cup with the paper towel. The whey will go through the paper towel and the curds will stay on top. Wait about five minutes for the whey to drain through the paper towel.

    Use a spoon to carefully scoop out the curds. Put them between two dry paper towels and press down to get all the whey out.

    Put the curds into another cup, stir in two teaspoons of water and then add one teaspoon of baking soda. The baking soda reacts with the vinegar that's in the curds, producing carbon dioxide. If you hold the mixture up to your ear, you can hear tiny bubbles popping. If this mixture doesn't look like glue, just add some more water.


  • Tessa, I find the part about the shiny leaves unclear. Are you saying that you're using a shiny paper? If glue can't work, then why don't you just staple it onto your base? This will surely fasten the leaves securely.

    Additional: Tessa, if glue won't work, and you don't want to use staples. Then the only thing left is double-sided tape.

  • Try contact cement.

    Apply to both surfaces, allow to set up for about 15-30 minutes, then stick together.

    The contact cement will stick to itself.

    It's available at most hardware stores (Home Depot) and comes in either a bottle with a brush on applicator, or a spray can.

  • Well then just don't glue the darn things on then! Gosh, if your mother isn't worth you going out and buying a small bottle of Elmer's glue, then she sure as heck isn't worth having those shiny leaves on the cover!

  • hot glue gun will usually do it, but take you project materials to a craft store like Michael's and ask their opinion because you need an adhesive that will stick to both your 'cover' and shiny leaves. the store will have something inexpensive and convenient

  • Try the glue dots yet, maybe they will work.

  • try a hot glue gun perhaps, good luck =D

  • Well use the glue or bin it!

  • mothers day is in liek 3 weeks.

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