why do my testicals hurt?

ok im 17 male and last tuesday at night(14/7/09) i masturbated everything was fine, and i fell asleep, half way through the night i felt a sharp pain in my balls like they were squeezed really hard, i was really tired and fell back asleep. when i woke up my balls were really sore and aching like they are constantly being squeezed and had abit of pain in the pelvic region just above my genital region on one side, i think its my lymph nodes, they seems to be swollen also im experiencing constipation and frequent urination, and headaches... please anyone know what this is... thank you.

i went to the doctors my local gp and he felt my balls etc and he said that the were fine... what causes does that mean i dont have, so this monday im going to thhe gum clinic for a std, what possible infections could it be?....


i have masturbated again to see if its eased the pressure, that was on the 15th of july 09, at night... and it continued, but over the passed 4 day, it has decreased in pain but its still there... but the doctor prescribed me with amoxicillin, when i said i was having bit of headaches and couldnt focus right... and he just looked down my throat and said take these.... =/

Update 3:

and quite hot in the face :(... fever???


  • cut em off mate.......... tis ur best bet

  • You mean 7/14/09. We don't have 14 months of the year.

    Well you should get a laxitive to fis the constepation, not going to the bathroom for a few days can actually give you infections in your intestinal tract.

    Well it means your balls are fine. You know people need to learn how to have a conversation with their doctor. If he says everything is fine then say "Why are my testicles hurting then?" and then let him know all our symptoms and move on.

    If you have an STD it's probably that.

    Also try masturbating again and make sure it's not just blue balls.


  • Seeing as you are having trouble with copnstipation, urination, headaches etc etc etc it might be some sort of infection/flu/something like that.

    By the sounds of it your doctor is an idiot who doesnt take his time with his diagnosis's, it would probably bve best if you never seen that man again, he could be the death of you if you contracted some sort of serious illness and his incompetence got in the way of a decent diagnoses.

    Get yourself a good doctor and let him/her diagnose this. Its always worth a second opinion.

    Good luck.

  • Not sure.

    Last time I had a squeezing pain like that was cause I got blue balls.

    Damn teases..

  • get a 2nd opinion brah, to be on the safe side.

  • gonearea

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