Why does Obama deserve my vote?

In thinking of re-electing I had to ask myself what has Obama done that deserves my vote?

What successes have we seen (or failures) over the last 3 years that warrants voting for Obama?


Speaking as an American that is.


  • Do you hate capitalism and the US? If so then he deserves your vote.

  • Go ahead, Vote yourself out of a JOB. There is nothing that Obama has done to make America Better. Teens will find very few jobs this summer, since the Mexicans will be taking every Job, from Pig Slaughter to Obama Tornado clean up. I was earning a steady high paying salary under President Bush. Now my Obama Job, is to crunch my Bunny Tail under my butt at the Seat of the Obama Unemployment Office. That's the Obama Reality,,,Speaking as an All American Bunny Girl.

  • 1. If it was up to republicans, we'd still be 100% fully focused on Iraq. Republicans felt we should "stay the course", even if it took 100 years. We would have never gotten Bin Laden if republicans would have stayed in charge. President Obama campaigned that Iraq was a waste of American lives and trillions of American money, we had no reason to be there. He campaigned to focus on getting Bin Laden.


    2. Americans have paid the lowest taxes under President Obama than any other President in the past 60 years.




    William Gale, head of the Tax Policy Center at the Brookings Institution, tells CBS News that federal taxes are actually "at their lowest levels in 60 years."

    Said Gale: "The relation between what is said in the tax debate and what is true about tax policy is often quite tenuous. The rise of the Tea Party at at time when taxes are literally at their lowest in decades is really hard to understand."

    AP Report excerpt:

    As a share of the nation’s economy, Uncle Sam’s take this year will be the lowest since 1950. And for the third straight year, American families and businesses will pay less in federal taxes than they did under former President George W. Bush, thanks to a weak economy and a growing of tax breaks for the wealthy and poor alike.

    But in the third year of Obama’s presidency, federal taxes are at historic lows. ... in the current budget year, federal tax receipts will be equal to 14.8 percent of the Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, the lowest level since Harry Truman was president."

    The AP adds that even though federal income tax rates have remained unchanged, "many taxpayers are seeing their bills drop under Obama because of more generous tax credits for college students, working families, and homebuyers.

    I trust President Obama. Period.

    He cared more about helping the country than being re elected.

    He even tried for things that would have definitely help the country even though it hurt his election chances.

    Medical bills are the leading cause of debt in America, medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy in America, medical bills are one of the big causes of a bad economy.

    Republicans twisted it around and lied about it like they do with anything he works for, if he says the grass in green they will say it's silver.

    But a man who cares more about the country than the power of the white house is a person I want as President

  • If you hate America, and like borrowing over 120 BILLION DOLLARS a month from China to prop up liberal special interests, then you should vote for Obama. And watch our country go down.

  • I cannot imagine.


    Bush’s first term was still perhaps more of a warmongering disaster than Obama’s has been so far. But we must look at the trajectory of U.S. foreign policy at the end of the Bush years and conclude that Obama has not just stayed the course, he has stepped on the gas. He has vastly expanded the war in Afghanistan, upped the violence in Pakistan, continued the Bush path on Iraq, bombed Yemen and Somalia, and started a new war with Libya. On the civil liberties and human rights fronts, he has invoked the Espionage Act more than all earlier presidents combined, persecuted whistleblowers, covered up torturers, and abused habeas corpus and the Fourth Amendment as much as Bush.



    I suppose if you're a filthy war profiteer you might vote for Obama.

  • ignore the person who said because you're black. Vote for Obama because he is the best choose.

  • he doesn't

    fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

    anyone who votes for obama twice must be seriously stupid.

  • Perhaps because you are black? Thats how he got elected in the first place.

  • because he is ignoring NAFTA

  • OBL death is the only good thing

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