I like Callie, Calliope would be the long form, gut I like Callie alone very much!
Or Katy for Kathrina, that sounds nice!
What about Rebecca? Bec, Bex, Becky or Becca are some nicknames for it! It sound nice to!
Jennifer or Jessica! Sounds cool and confident, you can call her Jenn or Jess!!
I like modern names .
Hey, say the names out loud, which one gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside? I guess you know what to do from there.
Ok, imagine the pretty girl, which name springs to mind when you imagine her face? You probably plan to raise her to be strong, or smart or nice and sweet? Which name pops to mind when you just see her in your head as a grown up, baby or teen?
I had a little girl named Marriona Rose pronounced marr (like the planet mars) i (like ee sound) on (like the word on) and a (like uh) marr-ee-ah-nuh. She passed away because she was premature. I would have called her Marri.
Anastasia *Stacia or Stasia*
Angelina *Angel or Lina*
Arabella *Ara or Bella or Elle or Ella or Belle*
Aurora *Rory or Aura*
Carolina *Caroline or Lina*
Cassandra *Cassie or Sandra*
Cecily *Cece or Cee*
Clarissa *Clary or Arissa or Rissa*
Francesca *Cesca or Fran*
Gabriella *Gabri or Gabbi or Brielle or Briella*
Georgiana *Georgie or Georgia*
Isabella *Izzy or Bella or Belle or Ella*
Juliana *Julia or Julie or Jules*
Larissa *Arissa or Rissa*
Letitia *idk*
Liliana *Lili or Lily*
Luciana *Lucie or Luci or Ana*
Mirabelle *Mira or Belle or Bella*
Raphaela *i don't have a nickname for that*
Savannah *Vanna*
Scarletta or Scarlett *Scar or Letta*
Seraphina *Sera or Phina*
Susannah *Sue*
Tatiana *Ana*
Valentina *Val or Valentin*
Violetta *Violet*
Sophia *Soph or Sophie*
Stephanie *Stephi or Steph or Annie*
Elizabeth *Liza or Eliza or Beth or Libby*
Alyson *Aly*
Charlotte *Charlie*
Amelia *Mia or Amy or Melia or Mel or Lia*
Matilda *Maddi or Tilda or Tilly*
Victoria *Tori*
Alyxandria or Alexandria *Alyx or Alex or Andrea or Alexa or Lexa or Lexi*
Nicole *Cole*
Jasmine *Jas or Jazzy*
Genieveve *Genna or Veve*
Danielle *Dani or Elle*
Daniella *Dani or Elle or Ella*
Miranda *Randy or Andy or Mira*
Amanda *Manda or Ama or Andie*
Rebecca *Becca or Reba or Becky*
Madison *Madi or Mad*
Addison *Addie*
Hope I helped
beautiful long names that can be shorten and cute are my favorite! Here are some that I love and others that are nice long names as well:
Anneliese - Annie/Lissy
Analeigh - Ana
Anastasia - Ana/Stacy
Alexandria - Alex/Lex/Lexi
Charlotte - C/Char/Lottie
Christina - Chris(sy)/Tina
Clarissa - Clary
Cassandra - Cassie/Cass/Sandra
Elizabeth - Liz/Lizzie/Beth
Evangeline - Eve/Eva/Angel
Everleigh - Ever
Genevieve - Jen/Jenna/Jenny
Gwendolyn - Gwen/Dolly/Lyn
Josephine - JoJo/Soph
Juliette - Julie/Jewels
Katrina - Kat/Trina
Marcela - Marcy, Celly
Marianna - Mary/Anna
Rebecca - Bec/Becca/Becky
Rochelle or Rachelle - Rach
Veronica - VV/Ronnie
Victoria - Vicky/Tori
Names you can have ending in E or A and sound great both ways:
Hope those help
Elizabeth - Lizzy, Beth, Liza
Charlotte - Charlie
Destin - Dezzi
Abbigail - Abbi, gail, bb
Carolyn - Carrie, Lyn, Cay cay
Farrah - Rah rah, Farrie
Jessica- Jessie
Alexis- Lexi
Alexandra- Alli, Lexi, Xandra, Xandie
Amanda- Mandie
Kristina - Kris, Krissy, Kristy
Allison - Allie, Lissi
Alissa- lissa
I like Callie, Calliope would be the long form, gut I like Callie alone very much!
Or Katy for Kathrina, that sounds nice!
What about Rebecca? Bec, Bex, Becky or Becca are some nicknames for it! It sound nice to!
Jennifer or Jessica! Sounds cool and confident, you can call her Jenn or Jess!!
I like modern names
Hey, say the names out loud, which one gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside? I guess you know what to do from there.
Ok, imagine the pretty girl, which name springs to mind when you imagine her face? You probably plan to raise her to be strong, or smart or nice and sweet? Which name pops to mind when you just see her in your head as a grown up, baby or teen?
Good Luck! Go with what your heart says!
3+ syllables with my fav nicknames for them:
Adelina - Lina
Amelia - Lia
Annabel - Belle
Cassandra - Cass
Cordelia - Delia
Eleonora - Nell / Ellie
Emiliana - Emmy
Emmeline - Emmy
Evangeline - Eve
Georgina - George
Isadora - Izzy
Isobel - Izzy
Josephine - Jo
Louisa - Lou
Madeleine - Maddie
Mathilda - Tilda
Marilyn - Lynn
Melisande - Millie
Odelia - Lia
Ophelia - Lia
Penelope - Penny
Seraphina - Sera / Saffy
Cassandra Eve ( Cassie)
Ava Charlotte ( Lottie)
Ivy Juliette ( Julie)
Savannah Lily ( Anna)
Madeleine Grace ( Maddie)
Evangeline Rose ( Angie)
Demetria Grace ( Demi)
Luciana Maeve ( Lucy)
Liliana Juliet ( Lily)
Seraphina Rose ( Raphie)
Valentina Faith ( Tina)
Genevieve ( Ginny)
Alexandria ( Aria)
Lauriana ( Laurie)
Emmeline ( Emmy)
Antonina ( Nina)
Stephanie ( Fanny)
Melanie ( Mel)
Samantha ( Sam)
Elizabeth (Liz, Lizzie, Beth)
Prudence (Prue)
Patience (Patty)
Charlotte (Carly, Charlie)
I had a little girl named Marriona Rose pronounced marr (like the planet mars) i (like ee sound) on (like the word on) and a (like uh) marr-ee-ah-nuh. She passed away because she was premature. I would have called her Marri.
Gianna [Gia, Anna]
Valentina [Val, Tina]
Delanie [Lanie]