True or a hoax ............................?

Do you people remember this news?

Do you think it is true or a hoax?


  • Hello DitaMari ..

    I must conclude this is a hoax,

  • I think its a hoax I think most stories about aliens, the paranormal etc are fake (although some cant be properly explained. One of the strangest stories I read was a guy who was in a field in America just vanished in front of his family and there was a huge marking left in the field the shape of a ring and people from his family used to go back to this ring (no cattle or animals would go near it) and hear his calls for help and the calls got quieter and quieter over time until they ceased to be. I later heard that was probably a hoax too or a rumour put about.

  • Hoax, but I believe in aliens.

  • a hoax. the head is out of all proportion to the body and the neck wouldn't be able to support the weight of it. and why would the astronaut have been naked. if they had come from outside of our plaanet they would have had to be wearing a protective suit to at least sheild its immune system from our bacteria and viruses, even if the atmosphere was identical.

  • Hoax probably

  • it's fake... the guys who made it admitted to it. It's made out of bread or something.

  • of course it's a hoax........

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