How do I get closer to a pen pal?

I do have some pen pals 3 months ago. we asked a lot about each other and our country as well.If there any question I want to ask,I'll ask and she/he always gives a good response. Though its good to learn new facts about other country, but I still find a bit lacking in our relationship. So, probably some creative ideas or other experiences would help, and if works, I'll appreciate it with my heart, thanks.^^


  • How about asking about what they like best about themselves. Or an embarrassing moment. That would make things more personal. Share yours too.

  • The best way to bring each other out of your shells is to find something you are both very passionate about. You might be pleasantly suprised at how much more your friendship will blossom once you realise that you both share a hobby and can talk loads about it.

  • They are called pen pals for a reason, you communicate in writing or electronically. sometimes when you meet them physically it is a disappointment, like going back to a childhood home or town and finding out it's not how you remembered it.

  • You could always explore more about their country and culture by taking a visit. Not only do you have to read, you can research. Then you could tell your pen pal about your experiences and he/she will be impressed. OR, you could arrange a visit to them and have them host you for a while or vice versa.

  • What about friends an family. Day to ay personal exchange. Politics. Sports. Hobbies. Likes and Dislikes. Dreams. What have they always wanted to do? What do they want to study?

  • Easy! you talk to him/her about your family or, what your doing today it really doesn't matter.

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