Code problem?

Okay here's my site URL:

My problem is that all my content is not going in the div box, it's all in the right side. Take a look :

I would post my site code here, but it won't let me. You guys can see my code on my site by pushing source.


  • Well, there are a lot of problems. You should first go through and clean up the code. You've got a lot of HTML code in your style sheet that should be taken out. If you want to comment out something in a style sheet, you need to enclose it in /* and */, not <!-- and -->. You've got an extra </body> tag at line 123, and a <body> tag that comes right after it (you should only have one <body> tag and one </body> tag on a page). You have a DIV for pre_content that doesn't have any content.

    The main problem is this code:

    <!-- End ImageReady Slices -->

    <div style="position: absolute; left: 15px; top: 304px; width: 544px">Write your text and content here</div>

    <div style="position: absolute; left: 562px; top:0px; width: 162px">


    Note that the ending </div> tag comes right after the opening <div> tag, so the only thing that goes into that DIV is "Write your text and content here." You need to move the content that you want to show up in that DIV before the </div> tag. You really should clean up the code, though, to make it easier to read and to locate problems.

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