Doesn't this disturb you?

Ok----so I was rummaging through a link Eyes of a Warrior posted.

This site said that Police officers in some areas are able to shoot and kill put bulls when they feel threatened...Sad thing is, these stories show up almost every day on news shows across the US....

Do you find it at all suspicious?? I would think think that some of these officers weren't so "honest" in saying they felt threatened..

I also feel that banning specific breeds is unfair. Sure, you can just move, but this is a larger problem. Not ALL dogs (mainly APBT) are bred and raised for fighting. In fact, more than half now days are family pets.

I find things like these sickening..What else makes you feel sick to your stomach, and why??

Small list of mine:

Animal Abuse


Dog/cock fighting.

Anything that contributes to harming an animal.

Useless surgeries that are purely cosmetic.

People saying I need to quit whining about animal abuse


@ Rawr--- I do (do) something about it. I am constantly volunteering and plan to go to college for veterinary medicine. I also own a rescue dog who was going to be euthanized at 4 weeks old.

Update 3:

Ok---I want to add something to my question..

I believe that police should carry a TAZER gun specifically for animals..

Why? SOME animal attacks are provoked, where the dog would never attack unless provoked. If someone were to come onto my property and my dog attacked them--it's not my fault. If my dog is on MY property and/or on a leash (on my property) and the person gets attacked- I shouldn't be watching my dog get shot for injuring someone.

So- maybe I made a faulty point up there---but this is what I mean.

Ultimitely, I want things to be fair between animals and humans, ever gonna happen? Probably not. Can I do something to help?

Yes I can!!


  • Officers are allowed to kill dogs of any breed when they are threatened, and yes some could abuse that priviledge, but I had my own experience where the cop would have been justified to do so and chose not to.

    I went to a friends house, and their neighbors pit was on the loose. As i got out of the car the dog charged me, teeth chomping at me as I ran back into my car. And I have been around aggressive dogs before, none like this one. The owner was not home, and the dog sat outside my car for 30 minutes. A child then rode his bike up the road, and the pit chased him and took him down to the ground. The kid luckily had the bike between him and the dog, and then the cop arrived. The pit charged the cop and the owner arrived home right as the cop was pulling out his gun. The cop let the owner grab the dog and take it inside, and cited him a whole bunch of tickets, but that dog is still alive today.

    This officer had every right to put the dog down, it was dangerous in every aspect. Imagine if the cop was attempting to arrest the owner or chase another criminal down and this dog is attacking him? Unfortunately the needs of a person are going to outweigh the life of an unstable dog.

    More than anything, what makes me sick is a person taking an innocent puppy and turning it into a monster that will eventually hurt someone else or be killed because of poor selling/training/socialization/ownership practices.

  • I am with you 100% on the listed issues. There is no excuse for animal abuse. On the pit bull issue, it depends on the breeder and the owner. I had a friend whose niece owned a pit bull, The dog was a gentle friendly dog that never hurt anything. He would play with my friends dogs and never had fight. One day his small dog was standing in the drive way and the pit bull attacked for no reason. Fortunately the family cat landed on the back of the pit bull and started clawing and biting. A week later the same thing happened, so he tried to get the pit bull into his truck and was attacked. He had to shoot the dog to keep from getting bitten up any further. No one knows why, the dog was healthy and well cared for.

    I asked a man who has pit bulls about it. He told me that these dogs can be very unpredictable if the breeder is doing it just for money. Careless breeders usually cater to drug dealers, dog fights and gang members that want aggressive ugly dogs. They mate the most aggressive to obtain a weapon. Many of these dogs are not stable and have been known to attack without warning or cause. Most that are killed by officers are the worst usually kept by drug dealers. When the police do a raid, the dog will attack. Most of these dogs could not be retrained and will almost always go bad because of bad breeding.

  • Police can shoot any dog, or animal for that matter, that threatens them.

    Why would you assume Police would not be "honest" in saying they are threatened.

    I am a dog lover. I do not believe in BSL. I meet alot APBTs or mixes, especially those owned by the wrong type of owners, I have yet to meet an aggressive one.

    I am also a Police officer. And I would shoot or Taser a dog that was attacking, regardless of breed. It is not something I ever want to do, but I would. I certainly would not do it if not justified.


    I am not in the US, but here in Canada, discharging a firearm is taken very seriously. There is a lot of answering to do when it is. It is not like an officer can shoot a dog with no questions asked.

  • The things that really, really make me sick to my stomach (relating to animals) is reading stories about other rabbit breeders whose rabbitries were raided by animal rights activists and all of their valuable rabbits stolen.

    And I've had someone come to my rabbitry in the middle of the night and steal my most valuable rabbit, swap it with another same-looking one (different ear tattoo though). And I've had some rabbits have their throats slit. I don't know what happened but that all stopped as soon as I moved to a different city. Those people are just lucky I never caught them in the act because they would pay for what they did to my rabbits.

    Dog/cock fighting (this kind of thing is just sick - no excuse for it - it is NOT entertainment).

    Child abuse/molest

    Backyard breeders (there's a difference between a backyard breeder and someone who raises purely for showing, to improve the breed itself)

    I've rambled on enough.

    PS I'm with you on the banning breeds. I think it's unfair and discriminatory. :-( I love APBTs and want one of my own someday.

  • Well depends but let me explain first

    Some people are actually dealthy afraid of dogs that do resemble a pitbull or a bully breed. Take my aunt for instance, loves dogs but she can't help the fact that she does get nervous around German Sheperds and bully breeds. Its not her fault, it has absolutely nothing to do with BSL (that im 110% against btw).

    So yes some police officers are afraid of certain types or all types of dogs. Some might shoot a dog with no evidence or reason to feel threatened

    The truth of the matter is, we just don't know. So we CANNOT be like those who are for BSL and judge

    As many thumbs down as I'm going to get for not cursing and yelling and saying 'omg its horrible', I don't care. Im against BSL in every way, but I'm not going to accuse someone of shooting a dog on purpose.


    Child abuse, Animal abuse, BSL and PETA supporters/members make me sick to my stomach

    sorry didnt add that earlier

  • Unless there is bonafide *proof* that is happening and that these police officers are taking out a vengeance on sweet, innocent family pets. Then no, i do not have a problem.

    I do not have a problem with anyone who shoots a dog when they or their family is threatened. Regardless if that person is a police officer or if that dog is a 'pit bull'.

    Things that make me sick?

    Prejudice in ALL its forms

    Child abuse

    Domestic violence

    ....& a lot of things related to big cats, but, lets not go there.

  • I think targeting bully breeds in general is upsetting. I own a pit mix, and it bothers me that people are terrified of him. Some people are truly terrified of dogs though. I don't understand it, but I can respect it.

    That being said, dogs are not people. If a person's life were in danger, obviously shoot the dog, regardless of breed.

    Things that make me feel ill:

    human discrimination based on stereotype,


    animal abuse- whine away, it's abhorred.

    people pretending to be knowledgeable who don't know sh*t (not anyone specific and not the poster, in case that causes confusion!)

  • while disturbing...

    I think it should be written that police are allowed to shoot "ANY" dog should they feel threatened. The way it is currently written looks too much like BSL BS. While it may not seem right to just be allowed to shoot.. truth is that you dont know what a loose dog is capable of doing.. and police should have the right to defend themselves against a dog. Dont want your dog shot? Keep it properly contained. The police are working to defend us, and shouldnt have to contend with someone's loose pet.

    Any kind of abuse or neglect is sickining

  • I read a statistic that said that the number of dog attacks did not decrease in the UK when they banned pits. Every pit I have met has been a sweetie, I even had one once. He was a great dog. The only dog that ever bit me was a dachshund that my boyfriend's aunt had. She just laughed it off.

    Anyway here's a list of things that annoy me

    People who are indifferent to animal abuse



    dog/cock fights

    abusing animals

  • Police officers are allowed to shoot ANY DOG that is a threat to them.

    It is not BREED SPECIFIC.

    I have several friends who are in law enforcment, none of them are dog haters and all of them have had to shoot at least one dog in their career.

    I was extremely happy that two of the three dogs who were responsible for killing my clients mare and three month old foal were shot by the police. The third one was taken in alive and euthanized at the shelter. If they cops were "boodthirsty" I think they would have shot all of them....

    So whoever posted that Police are allowed to shoot "Pit Bulls"-either deliberately left out all the facts, or just does not know better. That IS why you have to weed out a lot of the "information" thats given out on YA.

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