Do guys prefer blonde girls or brunettes?

Do guys generally prefer girls with blonde hair or brown hair? And do guys care if a girls hair is dyed?


  • I've found the color of a woman's hair has very little if any, to do with what you may feel for her.I used to prefer blondes, yet one day a brunette came along and stole my heart.

  • in accordance to my music record, it truly is brunettes about 12 to at least a million. Redheads run a much off second at about 6 to at least a million, yet might want to be captivating as hell, too. short ladies(5'5 and below) are way in basic terms before taller females in my e book as well. i anticipate once you're saying "Blondes" you're speaking organic as hostile to 'bleach blondes', in which case the carpet has to examine the drapes or it truly is only a brunette in camoflage!

  • Personality

  • brunettes. But dyed hair indicates a possible high maintenance girl who is a bit indecisive.

  • I like Brunettes And no it dont matter if she dyes her hair a lot of girls do.

  • I used to be in love with blonde hair, but I now really get turned on with jet black hair. It is so shiny and soft.

  • This is not a question of exactly what other people "like" or not. An individual have to take many things directly into consideration, before jumping from one end of the spectrum to the additional. It helps to understand your colouring. Are you neutral, warm or cool? The undertones in your skin will certainly compliment your hair

  • I like all hair colors.

  • I prefer brunettes. No, I do not care.

  • I don't mind what color it is, as long as it's the natural hair color.

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