How do I fix a saggy bum?

I'm only 18 and have always had a naturally saggy bum. It makes me extremely self conscious when wearing tight clothes and whenever I change in front of my boyfriend etc.

I'm desperate to try and plump it up, tone it and make it look a little more feminine so I can have a bit more confidence.

I've searched various fitness sites etc. but what I'd really love to know is if any of your lovely people have ever had the same problem and if there are any exercises in particular that really worked for you?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you for taking the time to read this I know I blabbed on a bit, sorry!

Thanks again, Lily x


  • GOD stop blabbing! all you had to do was say how to get my bum to stop being saggy ;)

    You need to exercise, there are some very easy exercises you can do to fix it, you don't have to do 5 mile runs or whatever to achieve a really nice ***. basic squats, do 300 in a row, this will tone your sh1t up! You should feel your *** aching the next day with all the exercises or you have worked too easy.

    Explosive exercises are also good for stimulating muscle growth but at the same time awesome for burning off that fat which is contributing to the sagging.

    Here are some: Burpees: do 100 in a row.

    (make sure your knees hit your chest) Knee to Chest jumps: do 50 in a row.

    Duckwalk (her technique is terrible, you should be up on your toes on both feet all the time, with your back straight and arms outs straight) do 10 lengths of your living room.

    Running is good too, you wanna get your bum worked then run up steep hill, I think running up the stairs is pretty good as well, you can try sprinting up your stairs or jumping up them.

    Do a 1 mile run or even 800 metres, with as much hill involved as possible, you could purely do the run on one long hill. Do it as fast as you can, the faster the harder your *** will get worked the nicer it will look.

    You could do all the exercises in one day, then rest for a day (probably a few as I assume you don't workout) once your body has stopped aching then do it again, but increase the amount of reps on ever exercise by a little I.E 300 before to 310 this time. Increase the time on the run as well, so time it and maybe the first time it takes 9 minutes, try to do it in 8 minutes 30 seconds.

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    How do I fix a saggy bum?

    I'm only 18 and have always had a naturally saggy bum. It makes me extremely self conscious when wearing tight clothes and whenever I change in front of my boyfriend etc.

    I'm desperate to try and plump it up, tone it and make it look a little more feminine so I can have a bit more...

  • Squats! The difference between a bum and an ***

  • I'm 14 and have a bit of sag below my bum and I think squats will help you as they did for me.

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