Can you burn a video game onto a regular movie disk?

Can you put it into your computer, save the information, and then burn it onto a movie disk?


  • define your terms

    if your video game is for a playstation, then I don't know.

    if your game is for the computer, then yes. Given that by "regular movie disk" you mean a DVD. If your game originally came on CD, then you could burn it on a CD as well, but I doubt it. Nowadays it's mostly DVD systems.

  • No because there not the same they may look the sane though.but who knows cause I just know a little haha. Wait I'm taking that back i bured a computer game before.but the sound wasent but i know for a fact you can't burn system cd on to a movie disc cause the games have a special thing to make sure there for the system,

    Hope that help :)

  • with fire , yes...... :P

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