Acer desktop problem?

i have an acer aspire desktop.... I bought it last year and it was functioning well till 2 weeks ago. One morning i tried switching it on, and the power button should have shown a blue light as usually, but it didn't. Okay so forget light, was the computer working? Unfortunately, no. The monitor was Working The cd drive was working. The comp fan was working. The speaker was working. The computer itself wasNot working. An hour later it started working, so yay!

Week ago, same problem. Thing is, this time the problem lasted not for one hour, not for 2 hours but an ENTIRE WEEK! Till it worked again. Switched it off, and tried it again.... DIDNT WORK!! Next day, tried it... Still doesnt work. Tried in the evening... Voila! And now again doesnt work!

I kinda suspect it is a voltage problem. Cuz wwhy else would the cd drive work? So if u can help.... PLEASE!!!


  • GO to in service center and tell them you are

    problem so you will be find the problem ...

    Thanks Porumistry

  • Yes it CAN be a power supply problem. but ur other devices are working so may be that is not the problem. probably the problem could be loose connection or some thing wrong in the desktop.

  • Yep, power supply. Acer uses crappy PSUs.

  • you may be right, you could try buying a new power supply

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