Does nose magic work?

Or is nose right better? I know it's only like 20-30 dollars but idk i don't want to spend my money on it if it won't work...

I have just a slight bump in my nose. I've always wanted it gone and i don't think cosmetic surgery is worth it, but if either of these two methods work then I definitely want to try them...

But there's a few people saying they're a scam and then there's some who say it work. Have you tried it and does it work?

Can I get my money back if it doesn't work?


I'm not crazy because I want to alter my appearance, I can do what I want with my body because it's mine. I wouldn't spend 4,000 on the surgery but if it's only 30 dollars I would because I fu**ing feel like it.


  • Please do not waste your money on these scams. Your nose is made of cartilage and bone - both of which do not change unless broken or altered. Their logic is that people who wear glasses develop dents where the pads rest. Well, that's the skin, not the cartilage or bone. If they took their glasses off for a couple days that area would regain it's volume.

  • Nothing but surgery can get rid of a bump in your nose. You need rhinoplasty to shave down the bone to get rid of the bump.

  • youre crazy, leave your nose alone

  • agreed^^

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