tea party is despised across america?

recent polls says the tea party is viewed very unfavorably by most americans.


personally, I don't like them too.

hopefully all of them would lose in their next elections like Rand Paul, Ron Paul and Jim DeMint


  • Really, the extremists on both sides are pretty awful. It's just that the extreme right, which for some reason tends to play dirtier than the extreme left, holds more power right now than the extreme left, and they're behaving just how extremists do: awfully.

    Also, a lot of Tea Partiers don't acknowledge that they're on the far right. They think that they're kind of close to the center, and that most Americans agree with them. Here's a hint: if you think that "the progressives exist solely as a force to empower their fascistic masters who envy the power and privilege that European, S. American, and Asian dictators have," then you're probably on the extreme right wing. I know, the extreme left wing does this too, and it's not right there, either. Basically, if your political stance boils down to "the other side is part of a conspiracy to destroy America," you probably ought to put a little more thought into it.

    EDIT: What is wrong with the way some people think? Yeah, the NYT might slant its stories, but it's not going to make up an opinion poll with entirely falsified numbers. Seriously, this is some North Korea-grade delusion going on here. "The New York Times is lies and slander! The Tea Party is not shrinking, it is growing! It is ten billion people strong! And every member is as strong as ten men, and will live forever!"

  • "clearly, the Tea Party groups do not fall under that umbrella" is a lie. Political groups receive tax exempt status as well. Why does Planned Parenthood expect taxpayer subsidy when they murder hundreds of thousands of the unborn?

  • Yes they are.

    Jim DeMint, a GOP Senator from South Carolina, said President Barack Obama should “demand” Geithner’s resignation “and immediately replace him with someone who will help Washington [to] focus on balancing our budget and allowing the private sector to create jobs.”

    DeMint added: “For months [Geithner] opposed all efforts to reduce the debt in return for a debt ceiling increase. His opposition to serious spending and debt reforms has been reckless and now the American people will pay the price.”

    Republican presidential hopefuls congresswoman Michelle Bachmann of Minnesota and businessman Herman Cain have also called for Geithner to quit.



  • That is only the opinion of the radical,socializes,Marxist,left.They have to restore to name calling and bashing to cover up the fact that liberals were forced to vote on the debt deal that they did not want. Liberals are the most hypocritical group in the country.Their goal is to see this country destroyed with-in,capitalism destroyed and live in a European style socializes state.

  • What do you expect when the Liberal Media relentless portrays the Tea Party as extreme, racist, terrorists...its' bound to have an effect on public opinion. The truth is the Tea Party represents people who want to return to governing as laid out in the constitution, which is small government and personal freedom. Why is that so bad?

  • The facts are that the TEA Party is America... and that the progressives exist solely as a force to empower their fascistic masters who envy the power and privilege that European, S. American, and Asian dictators have.

  • The New York Slimes IS the most hated rag across America,,,you used this useless rag as a source???? lmfao...just wait..the tea party is stronger than ever...interesting how liberals hate truth and reason...amazing.

  • You really should not get your political news from NYTimes. Personally, why don't you like them? Are they too logical for most Americans?

  • I agree. I cannot stand people who say "don't spend more than you earn." Those people should be driven out of the country for saying that....

  • Nice statement and only due to ignorance of fact.

    Did I miss the ??

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