Porsche Paranoia?

My 987 is a "garage king" that I drive only a few times a week. I see a tiny drop of oil when I bring back home and wonder if I should take it into shop for that. It got checked out a few months ago and got a clean bill of health and has no other issues. Do I suffer from the worry syndrome many of us have or should I take it in $$$ ?


  • Keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get worse. Obviously engines aren't supposed to leak oil but almost any engine with any kind of miles on it will leak a little.

  • I've had my 1990 911 for 9 years and it leaks. I have drips all over the garage where I park it. The car has 135k miles and drives like a top.

    Check your oil regularly. I find that my oil level gauge is very accurate. Does a Boxster even have an oil level gauge on the dash? If so - check it out and decide if it works well, comparing the reading to what you find when you check. Make sure that you add a quart when necessary and make sure your garage floor does not get too messy. Otherwise, just have someone look at it at the next oil change interval. You may or may not address it, but it is not a big deal at this point.

    For the other poster, a 987 is not and early boxster, the early ones were 986s.

    Go to Rennlist for more info and knowledgeable 987 owners.


    Good Luck!

    ps - of course a 1990 911 is different than a Boxster. 1990 911 did not have head gaskets. Also, my pistons and cylinders were replaced with 993 versions about 6 years ago. Point is, the cars are not too comparable, but small oil leaks are not a big deal. Lastly, I drive mine every day, but that doesn't mean everybody should or even can. If you can't drive it more, don't sweat it. If you drive it a few times per week - that is more than enough, even once or twice is fine - don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

  • The 987 is a notorious problem child with Porsche recalling and replacing the motors on all early boxters. Bring your car to the dealer or look up the recalls on your viehicle.

    Also, I think the Sopranos episode where the boxster was discussed tells all about the vehicle...it is a Porsche that wears womens panties. Not a big 987 fan.

  • I would definitely get it checked out. Oil drips are a precursor to the dreaded RMS leak, that will fry your engine. They can be fixed for a few hundred dollars if that is the problem, which is better than $10k on a new engine. Where is the leak under the car?

    For more info go to renntech.org or 986forum.com

    If you become a member and you should, tell them rick3000 refered you.

  • 911 oil leak is not the same problem as on a Boxster. 1990 911s are known leakers and prone to head gasket sealing problems.

    Your Boxster might be suffering merely from dis-use. Just drive the thing a lot more---it's not going to be a classic and it's just going to devalue as the years go on, so there's no reason to "save" it. It's a fun car to drive, and maybe more use is all it needs.

  • Your are keeping your pride and joy stable about your car - I would be aswell, after all Its a PORSCHE- they are the best make i think soo far, there are just a quality special car..

    Keep an eye on the oil, just think positive and make sure you and the car is fine..


  • Rob is right, they're known for rear main seal probs, call and talk to a dealer service dept., talk is cheap, see what u can find out, it might be a recall item that they'll fix for free

  • I worked at JiffyLube. Do not worry about it. If it leaks some more, than take it somewhere to get it checked. Checking it should be free. It is free at jiffylube.

  • Ignore the oil.

  • Keep an eye on it. Could be it is the lack of use that's causing this.

    Why exactly are you saving this car? Is it the weather?

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