Natural Remedies for Face?

I have these small bumps under my eyes and nose. They look like pimples, but their not. Their a smaller than pimples and aren't red. Any idea how to get rid of it?


  • They are swelling pores clogged by oil. Don't use honey face mask. It can block pores too and make more bumps. The oil stuck deeply inside pores can't be cleaned out by soaps or cleansers

    because they can't get into the clogged pores. It can be absorbed out by Chlorella Gel Cleanser. Chlorella Gel Cleanser uses green algae to absorb oil. It works very well. No chemicals.

  • first off, don't pick at them, and try not to touch your face a lot. use a pure honey face mask. it helps sooth smooth and heal the skin faster :) there are a lot of you tube videos on it :) all you need is pure honey :)

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