Did Obama make a sexist comment?

In Tulane University:

Obama took the stage at Tulane... he seemed to have Clinton in his sights when he said, "You challenge the status quo and suddenly the claws come out."


would/could he have used that claw remark on mccain? why/why not?


  • Huge stretch. Nice try.

  • If you start nit picking at every little quib before long the candidates will not be able to say anything but yes or no or someone will accuse them of being "racist" or "sexist".

    This election is starting to turn in to a joke.

    I think he used it because he was speaking about a woman but so what, it wasn't a derogatory remark. He probably would not have used it talking about McCain a better analogy would be ...."You challenge the status quo and suddenly the war heroes come out." (that is just an example not what I believe.).

  • Cats and Bears of both genders have "claws" Nothing sexist at all about this comment. Don't worry, all us sexists won't vote for her (or him) either!

    McCain 08"

  • If you are a female and Obama's statement offends you, then the statement must be offensive in some way. Do you find other women feel the same way as you?

  • Have a link?

    I don't know about that, but I did see a video of him throwing that finger when spoke Hillary's name and the crowd thought it was so cool.

  • No, not in my opinion.Birds of all species and sexes, as well as other animals have claws, as indeed she does

  • What? Women have claws?

  • Sounds like he might have been projecting ...given his wife and all.

  • Yes, he sure did! All the residents at the asylum agree with you!

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