Do I have serious mental problem?

Sometimes I think of suicidal thoughts. Sometimes i'm happy, but most times I get really depressed. I don't like being around people. I don't like making friends even though they want to be friends. Sometimes I have thoughts of committing murder but I try not to think about it.


  • It's probably nothing to worry about, most people feel like this for some time as a teenager and from time to time as they get older. you should however see a doctor if you find yourself starting to carry out plans to hurt yourself/others (eg. buying a weapon for that purpose).

  • I think like that too, honestly.

    Those things are bad. They can plague your mind, to the point of no return.

    You have to stop it.

    Do other stuff in life. Go outside, play a sport.

    Get your mind off of these gooey sick black things that could become a real big mess if you let it be. You have to get out their! See other people, even if you don't like it.

    You have to like people, or else your going to be alone. And being alone, is terrible.

    Loneliness is a awful feeling.

    If you are alone, you give those thoughts a chance to pertrude through you.

    Don't let your thoughts consume you.

  • As stupid as it sounds, most of the times this is true: When you find yourself asking this question, you're still okay. People that have serious mental problems don't see this themselves and don't think clearly anymore.

    That doesn't mean you can't genuinely feel crappy or anything. I do hope you'll feel better soon. Hang in there.

  • what you are feeling is not normal get help now having issues with suicidal thoughts u can hurt your self or others

    this to me is serious get help now before it too late

    You sound depressed. It is serious, and you should seek professional help.

  • Do you have really high points and then really low points? If you do you may have bi-polar disorder, go see a doctor and explain to them what you said in your question. But don't worry as long as the thoughts stay in your head and you don't act on them. But definately see a doctor.

  • You sound like a normal teenager. And if you ask if you have mental problems you usally don't because people who have them think there is nothing wrong with them.

  • yes, you do have a serious mental problem. you need to talk to a doctor as soon as possible. get help.

  • You sound depressed. It is serious, and you should seek professional help. They can actually help you feel better.

  • yea ****** oath your apsycho, your going through a period of brooding look for peter neame's readings on profile of the mass killer, you crazy mother ******!

  • You should talk to your Dr. They will prescribe meds and or therapy.

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