I do cardio kickboxing 3 times a week?

For one hour.

I'm 5'5 and 135 pounds. I really want to tone my thighs up. I'm in the class for a year.

BUT, In 6 months..(lets say March 1st)

Will my thighs be tight and toned? And other places too..

I eat good as well! And only drink water

thank yoU!


We do leg raises and stuff, pushups, sqauts.(sp)


  • you'll want to control your caloric intake a bit if you want that lean look

    I used this as sort of a guideline for how many calories I should be consuming a day:


    Anyway, one amateur fighter in my class has been doing it for 9 months and he lost 40 pounds and he's buff and ripped. He says his friends and family that haven't seen him in a while are all shocked to see his new physique.

    When you do the warm ups and training go all out, try to push yourself further and further, don't cheat yourself.

  • Sarah, if your focus is on toning up your thigh, try squat-kick.

    Squat down in a comfortable position (feet not too far/close apart).

    Holding both arms in a on guard position stand up and kick with one leg.

    Squat down and repeat the move but kick with the other leg.

    Repeat the alternate kicks as much as you want.

    You can start with front kick, then side kick, and back kick, etc.

    Be sure to kick as high as you can as this are for exercises and not applications.

    When you are used to the exercise then add resistance by holding dumbbells or wear a weight vest.

    Hope this could help.

  • what's great approximately kickboxing is that it recruits quite a few muscle tissues, providing you with an entire physique calorie burn. One tip I certainly have for you is to in elementary terms remember to are training ideas wisely. Doing so will decrease danger of harm from turning the incorrect way, and it will strengthen your calorie burn from recruiting extra muscle tissues.

  • Should do yes but it depends what you do in the sessions, leg raises and basic squats should help. Search on youtube for swiss ball exercises also.

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