" did we ever not use a condom"?

my ex. we dated 4 years ago. and started talking again in augest. we hardly talk maybe 3 times a month . and everytime we talk he asks me the same question " did we ever not use a condom"?


  • get yourself tested

  • ok well u didnt really ask a question but all i can say is that i hope u always wore a condom and if u didnt then it was a miracle if she didnt get pregnant! u should always use a condom unless u r trying to have children! but u probaly already knew that lol!

  • WHY??? would be my first question is he trying to tell you something bad or is he just curious although I can't see why after 4 years he needs to know...or unless you had a baby and claimed it was his but still I ask WHY????

  • He might have an STD and he's trying to figure out who he got it from without directly asking . You should get tested.

  • Okay.... He's just being dumb or maybe he wants to have sex with you again (if you ever did). Just ask him why does he keep asking you that question and if it bothers you then tell him so.

    goodluck :)

  • so what's the question?

    Is one one us supposed to know this answer?

    Is there a baby or std involved? Is that what your ex is getting/hinting at?

  • Well I think that if she is making you feel uncomfortable to not make any conversation with her. I am a Sycrohypoligest, we specialize in abuse in words. If she keeps bothering you please let me know. Good Luck to You

  • Thats kinda odd. Be like no...why do you keep on asking me that?

  • what kind of thing is dat 2 say?

  • more info please? did who ever not use a condom, you and him our you and another guy or whats goin on here

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